Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Sunsets and Camping

The sun was setting just as we arrived at our second campsite, causing me to end my phone conversion with my friend Melanie and quickly grab the camera (Melanie, being a awesome photographer herself, understands and will forgive me for the quick hang-up.)  Now with the first shots taken I begin to help Rick with the assembly of the tent and placement of the camping supplies when I heard a voice in my head. It was Chris, from our photo meetup group. In a previous meetup photo shoot he said, "that if you wait awhile after the sun sets you will be able to capture a even more beautiful sky with great hues of orange and red," and he was right. The second photo I took almost one hour later. 

1 comment:

  1. What a wonderful little experiment. I love seeing the difference in the two shots. And yes, you are forgiven. Anything in the name of photography.
