Saturday, August 28, 2010

RDU: Day One

Well it has been more than a week now since we returned from our wonderful vacation to Quito, Ecuador and the Galapagos Islands. A week of work, of unpacking, of doing laundry and the start of school, a week of downloading, categorizing and looking at 1721 photos of our travels. Yes, that total is right, 1721 photos, 1398 taken with my two cameras and the other 323 taken by Rick. 
Needless to say I am trying to get the photos ready to post. I want to post the photo and tell you a little about each post in the order of our trip, by each tour we took and the places we visited.
I start with the first day, which is at RDU. Not very exciting, but it's where we started. We were very lucky and was able to fly to Ecuador with Maria and Eva. Maria has made this trip several times and is a pro at the international check in process and with this being my first time I was very thankful for her help. Thanks Maria!!!

Beautiful Maria and her adorable daughter Eva, who is busy checking the ticket stub.
The very roomy and organized new terminal for American Airlines.

Nice open area for many travelers to walk.
This is what I would call a huge skylight.


  1. Bridget and I are wondering how you took that first photo. Did you use a flash? it is perfect.

  2. Thanks, I was lucky with that one. I had it in portrait mode, which lets the camera do all the thinking.
    Here is the info: f4.5, ISO 400, 37mm and the flash did fire.
