Monday, June 22, 2009

A Gardener, I am not.

This is what happens to tomato and pepper plants when left in 95+ degree weather and with no water. On the third day I did water. I am hoping they will make it.

I was lucky to get two tomatoes and a handful of jalapeƱo peppers. Now I need to think of something I can cook that will use them. Any suggestions? (Keep it on the easy side, a cook I am not)


  1. Awwww, the wilted plants are soooo cute. I'm glad to hear they came back to life though.
    I am not a chef either. I'd probably just make a salsa. Or maybe a jalapeno crusted chicken or fish. Maybe a quiche with jalapenos, tomatoes, onions, mushrooms, and a spicy sausage or shaved meat. can tell I'm hungry right now.
    Your veggies are beauties.

  2. Thanks for the comment. The quiche sounds perfect, can I give you the veggies and you make it :)
